Wednesday, January 23, 2008

If you need somebody, run to him

Thursday (24/01), 2pm releasing of O'level results.
Well the news announced it already and I'm so freaked out. Actually the whole Singapore already know about it haaaaa.

I'm getting back my Emaths and Chinese results tomorrow (!!!!!!!!)
Only God-knows-what my results are. Uggggghhhh the tension is getting really high.
I doubt I can sleep well tonight so.....


My WHOLE mood totally depends on tomorrow, if I dont do well tomorrow I will have no mood for cca, I wont be able to go out on weekends and I doubt I can even come online D:
K wuteverrrrrr. I still have a second chance later. I hope to clear it though.

I hope to get at least a B3? Yeah. Wish me luck people.
No actually good luck doesnt matter no more up to this stage.
Calm me down, calm meeeeeeeeeeeeeee pls!

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